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IRC is Internet Relay Chat. GNHLUG has an IRC channel on, #gnhlug



  • RFC 2810 Internet Relay Chat: Architecture
  • RFC 2811 Internet Relay Chat: Channel Management
  • RFC 2812 Internet Relay Chat: Client Protocol
  • RFC 2813 Internet Relay Chat: Server Protocol


  • Getting a client: Debian, Gentoo, OS X, Windows
    • Debian: apt-get install irssi-text, xchat
    • Gentoo: emerge irssi, xchat
    • OS X: apt-get install irssi (fink), Colloquy
    • Windows: gaim, X-chat, mIRC
  • Choosing a network
    • Many open source projects use including most distros
  • Joining a channel
    • #gnhlug, #gentoo, #debian
    • Lots of instant help:
      • #debian: 809
      • #gentoo: 925
      • #mandrake: 138
      • #suse: 143
      • #RedHat: 88
    • Lots of open source projects have IRC channels: Gaim, Apache, PHP, MySQL. Good way to get quick help, or involved in development of smaller projects
  • Features
    • Bots: can do all kinds of nifty things, from generating relationship graphs to reminders
    • DCC: Direct Client Connect, for transferring files between clients
    • Logging: Can keep track of people talking to you, even when you aren't around
-- ChristopherSchmidt - 17 Nov 2004
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Topic revision: r1 - 2004-11-17 - ChristopherSchmidt

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