- Concord and central NH area
- Meetings: Discontinued circa Dec 2011
DLSLUG (Dartmouth/Lake Sunapee)
- Dartmouth College (Hanover, NH) and Lake Sunapee area
- Coordinators: Lloyd Kvam (python@venix*REMOVE*.com), Bill McGonigle (bill@bfccomputing*REMOVE*.com)
- Meetings
- First Thursday of the Month
- 7 PM to 9 PM
- Room L01, Carson Hall, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
- Resources
DISCONTINUED due to lack of interest.
- Gaming Special Interest Group
- "To foster community around free software games and game development in New Hampshire"
- Former Coordinators: ArcRiley and MatthewHenninger
KSCLUG (Keene State College)
- Unclear if this ever existed, or if the people maintaining this website simply never heard the details
- Central New Hampshire
- Coordinator: KentaKoga
- Assistant Coordinator: ChipMarshall
- Meetings
- Typically the third or fourth Tuesday of each month
- 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
- The FARM, 1181 Elm Street, Manchester, NH (Corner of Elm and Bridge)
- Announcements and such:
MeriLug was a part of the Greater New Hampshire Linux Users Group (
GNHLUG.org) that is centered around the cities of Nashua, Manchester, Concord, and Peterborough, New Hampshire, as well as Chelmsford, Massachusetts. The group met meet the second Tuesday of every month starting in January of 2024 at the Nashua Community College, room 150 at 505 Amherst St, Nashua, NH 03063
The meeting will be from 6 P.M. to 8:30 P.M.
- Nashua, New Hampshire
- Coordinator: MadDog
- Nashua/Merrimack Valley area
- A.K.A MeriLUG, A.K.A. MVLUG, A.K.A. MELBA, A.K.A. other silly names...
- See MerriLUGPast page and PastEvents for more history
Now part of the
Portsmouth Web Dev Meetup
- New Hampshire Ruby Users Group
- AKA Ruby Special Interest Group
- Former coordinators
- Former meetings:
- Historical resources
SLUG (Seacoast LUG)
- NH seacoast area and UNH (Durham)
- Website: http://slug.gnhlug.org/slug
- Coordinators
- Meetings
- Second Monday of the month
- 7:00 PM
- Room 301, Morse Hall, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH